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The Mac as a place
2 min read

John Gruber, on Daring Fireball:

To me the Macintosh has always felt more like a place than a thing. Not a place I go physically, but a place my mind goes intellectually. When I’m working or playing and in the flow, it has always felt like MacOS is where I am. I’m in the Mac. Interruptions — say, the doorbell or my phone ringing — are momentarily disorienting when I’m in the flow on the Mac, because I’m pulled out of that world and into the physical one.

Beautiful way of summarising why macOS is so special.

I think this is the best compliment that a product designer (or a team, anyway) can receive.

Unfortunately I could never get into the same flow with the iPad, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t depend on the size of the screen.

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