2 min read
Personal Website (2025)

Here we are again… another year, another website! After setting my eyes on Astro some year ago, I finally decided to switch to it.

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Blot (the service I was previously using) is ideal to setup a quick blog where you drag-and-drop Word docs or photos in a folder to automatically publish them. And it works incredibly well, if that’s what you’re looking for.

But that’s not me 1

Even if I’m not a developer, I love working in Nova and playing around with code, trying to understand how to implement cool features I see around the web. For all of this, Blot was feeling a bit too tight.

So enter Astro, Netlify, and Tailwind CSS.

The template I use is Astro Nano, which I tweaked to include:

  • A reply via email button at the end of every post
  • One level breadcrumb navigation next to the site logo
  • All external links open in a new tab

Since all of the blog posts are written directly in markdown (and stored in GitHub), I either edit them directly in Nova or in Obsidian.

I’m pretty happy with what I have, but there are still a few things that I want to implement:

  • A new collection to publish photos
  • Tags for blog posts
  • Expose the whole content of blog posts in the RSS feed

Give my coding skills, this means going through a lot of trial-and-error but I believe that’s the best way to learn.

Preview - Dark mode


  • [2024-03-02]: Added tags
  • [2024-03-03]: Added photos


  1. In fact, I was using Blot with git, and I coded my own template, which (even if allowed) kind of defies what it’s intended for.

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