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Long live opinionated design
2 min read

What do our users want?

Who cares, may I say

Sometimes A/B testing, analytics, and other big data are just limits that hinder your creativity.

From time to time, you should forget about what users say or think they need, and design something they’ll enjoy.

Think about this: no one wanted a phone like the iPhone before they knew it existed.

By just following what Google Analytics, Hotjar, and the rest will tell you, you’ll keep lowering your design to the most common denominators. Instead, strive to create what you have in mind and follow your vision.

Have fun, design a great experience for your users, and show care for your product. Always be ready to justify your decisions, because opinionated design doesn’t mean that there’s no reasoning behind it. On the contrary, it means that you have such a strong opinion about it, that you prioritise that over data.

Be proud of what you create. Trust me, it’s much more satisfying than just following the numbers.

And remember “companies that have taste do not conduct design via surveys.”1


  1. Daring Fireball

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